Frequently asked questions
We have put together some commonly asked questions
Priventif provides you with access to primary care providers, family doctors, general practitioner, gynecologist, registered dietitians, occupational therapists, personal trainer, physiotherapist, psychologist, pediatrician, nutritional therapist, nurse practitioner and veterinary experts who are ready to help you from wherever you are.
How can I open an account?
Download Priventif for free from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Is Priventif a healthcare provider?
No, Priventif is not a healthcare provider. We do not offer medical or diagnostic services of any kind, nor do we recommend or refer patients to an individual or particular provider. Rather, our Marketplace product is patient-initiated and patient-directed. It is designed to empower patients to independently create their own health package – including determining which providers best fit their needs.
Is Priventif a medical aid?
No, Priventif is not a medical aid scheme. We’ve designed Priventif to modernize the way consumers shop for and purchase primary healthcare services. People will shop for providers just like they shop for everything else nowadays.
What makes Priventif different from medical aid?
Our mission is to give power to the patient, bringing transparency to healthcare at every step of the patient journey, and putting patients back in control of their health. So we built a company that is like having a primary care provider in the family.
I like Priventif - how can I spread the word?
We’re so happy to hear that! If you want to get involved, Join the waitlist to get early access—Invite friends to win, follow or connect with us on our social channels, such as Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook.
Is Priventif available in my area? If not, when will it be?
Currently, Priventif is focusing on all the major metropolitan cities and towns in South Africa. We will continually expand our service to new cities and towns according to patient demand. Join our waitlist and be one of the first people benefitting from our services. We will notify you once we activate your town or city.
Is Priventif free for patients?
No, with Priventi, you can choose in-network providers, highly rated ones, highly specialized ones, ones nearby, ones who can see you virtually or face to face, or all of the above. Create your package that addresses your unique needs, preferences, expectations and budget.